French (FR)
An introduction to French. Essentials of the language. Training in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the French language. May not be taken by native speakers.
An introduction to French. Essentials of the language. Training in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the French language. May not be taken by native speakers.
Review of essentials. Reading of appropriate texts and analysis and discussion emphasizing content and grammar. Conducted mainly in French. May not be taken by native speakers. May be used to satisfy 3rd or 4th semester departmental requirement.
Continuation of FR 201. May not be taken by native speakers. May be used to satisfy the 4th semester departmental requirement.
Emphasis on French history, philosophy, sociology, politics, cultural and social institutions, and, to a limited degree, literature. Taught in English and open to the general study body.
Exercises in speaking, comprehension, and composition. May not be taken by native speakers.
A continuation of FR 321. May not be taken by native speakers.
Intensive practice in oral French using topics of culture, civilization, politics, and economics of the French-speaking world. May not be taken by native speakers.
Advanced studies of the political, cultural, social, literary, and philosophical background of French Civilization. Taught in French with emphasis on in-depth study and research. Course countries may be adapted to student needs and interests.
Advanced studies of the political, cultural, social, literary, and philosophical background of French Civilization. Taught in French with emphasis on in-depth study and research. Course countries may be adapted to student needs and interests.
Special reading assignments, investigative paper, or research project in a specific area of French literature, philosophy or culture directed by a specialist in that area.