Admission to the University

Admission to Jackson State University is administered in accordance with the policies established by the Board of Trustees, State of Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL), and by the Jackson State University Admissions and Credits Committee.

Admission decisions are made as applications and supporting documents are received; therefore, early application is encouraged. Information submitted to Jackson State University must be true and accurate. The withholding of pertinent information or the submission of false information may result in denial of admission or in dismissal. The University reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant and to forbid any previously admitted student continued enrollment.

Jackson State complies with all applicable laws regarding affirmative action and equal opportunity in all its activities and programs and does not discriminate against anyone protected by law because of age, color, national origin, race, religion, sex, handicap, or veteran status. The University welcomes applications from all individuals whose preparation and abilities give them a reasonable chance of success in programs offered by the University.

Questions regarding admission should be directed to:

Undergraduate Admissions & Recruitment
JSU Box 17330
Jackson State University
Jackson, Mississippi 39217