Biology Lab (BIOL)
Selected laboratory exercises, visiting lectures and field trips are designed to provide a broad view of applications and concepts in environmental science.
Laboratory designed to expandand illustrate subject-matter areas stressed in Bio 507.
Laboratory techniques used to purify proteins, DNA, and RNA and the methods used to analyze these macromolecules.
This lab course is designed to be, and should be, taken concurrently with the Ecology lecture course (BIO 523). The ecology laboratory sessions are structured to reinforce topics discussed in lecture and provide a treatment of technical topics not covered in the lecture. Methods common to the laboratory and field will be taught. Students will 1) gain a deeper, understanding of the main concepts of ecology and ecological processes and 2) develop critical and analytical thinking skills along with reasoning and logical thinking skills, and apply them to ecological -concepts.
Teaches the student special methods in isolating, culturing, and identifying certain microorganisms of medical and industrial importance. Must be taken concurrently with BIO 530.
Must be taken concurrently with Bio 540. Laboratory activities which develop techniques for isolation of cellular organelles and quantitative analyses of biomolecules.
Laboratory is designed to acquaint students with modern techniques for measuring microbial biomass and microbial degradative activities of natural and xenobiotic chemicals in natural environments. Specific projects of microbial analysis will be assigned to students.